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59.Zhao, Y., Tang, KN., Liu, HM., Van der Bruggen, B., Diaz, AS., Shen, JN., Gao, CJ ,An anion exchange membrane modified by alternate electro-deposition layers with enhanced monovalent selectivity,Journal of Membrane Science,2017,520,262-271.
58.Ruan, HM., Guo, CM., Yu, HW., Shen, JN., Gao, CJ., Sotto, A., Van der Bruggen, B ,Fabrication of a MIL-53(Al) Nanocomposite Membrane and Potential Application in Desalination of Dye Solutions,Industrial&Engineering Chemistry Research,2017,55,12099-12110.
57.Zhao, Y., Liu, HM., Tang, KN., Jin, YL., Pan, JF., Van der Bruggen, B., Shen, JN., Gao, CJ,Mimicking the cell membrane: bio-inspired simultaneous functions with monovalent anion selectivity and antifouling properties of anion exchange membrane,Scientific Reports,2016,6,37285.
56.Lin, JY., Ye, WY., Zhong, K., Shen, JN., Jullok, N., Sotto, A., Van der Bruggen, B,Enhancement of polyethersulfone (PES) membrane doped by monodisperse Stober silica for water treatment, Chemical Engineering and Processing-process Intensification,2016,107,194-205.
55.Han, B., Pan, JF., Yang, SS., Zhou, ML., Li, J.,Diaz, AS., Van der Bruggen, B., Gao, CJ., Shen, JN),Novel Composite Anion Exchange Membranes Based on Quaternized Polyepichlorohydrin for Electromembrane Application,Industrial&Engineering Chemistry Research,2016,55,7171-7178.
54.Yao, JC.,; Wen, DN., Shen, JN., Wang, JD.,Zero discharge process for dyeing wastewater treatment,Journal of Water Process Engineering,2016,11,98-103.
53.Liu, QQ., Zhao, Y., Pan, JF., Van der Bruggen, B., Shen, JN,A novel chitosan base molecularly imprinted membrane for selective separation of chlorogenic acid,Separation and Purifcation Technology,2016,164,70-80.
52.Dong, GY., Zhang, YT., Hou, JW., Shen, JN., Chen, V.,Graphene Oxide Nanosheets Based Novel Facilitated Transport Membranes for Efficient CO2 Capture,Industrial&Engineering Chemistry Research,2016,55,5403-5414.
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